Substantive editing |
Service |
Yes |
Spelling based on world trusted dictionaries |
yes |
Grammar based on latest grammar references (esp. Practical English Usage by Michael Swan) |
Yes |
Punctuation |
Yes |
Appropriate use of words in texture |
Yes |
Sentences and paragraphs |
Yes |
Paraphrase even true sentences to more clarify the concept |
Yes |
Capitalization |
Style |
Yes |
Abbreviations |
Yes |
References in one style |
Yes |
Following AMA style |
Yes |
Use of correct terminology |
Yes |
Standard units of measurement |
Yes |
Manuscript structure based on special journal instructions |
Body structure and native English |
Yes |
Logical use of sentences in each part |
Yes |
Checking for sentences repetition |
Yes |
Correct and Preferred Usage |
Yes |
Non-English Words, Phrases and Accent Marks |
- |
Special services including 6-month editing warranty, writing cover letter, letter to editor, considering editors’ revisions, writing references in end note