International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)

27 October 2020

Viking Line Terminal, Stadsgården

Registration Deadline

31 May 2020

European Advanced Nanomaterials Congress (EuNano 2020) is 37th assembly of Advanced Materials Congress, which will be held at Stockholm, Sweden from 27th to 29th October 2020 provides an international platform for academia and industries to discuss the recent trends in the field of advanced materials science, engineering and technology. Since 2011, International Association of Advanced Materials, IAAM has successfully organized this flagship assemblies in Europe, Asia, America, Australia.


EuNano 2020 is dedicated to provide an opportunity to promote intensive discussions among participants to widen the knowledge of Advanced Materials research. The 37th Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress will offer the coordination of following contemporary research fields to pave the way for multi-inter-trans-disciplinary translational research and innovations for the market.


1. Advanced NanoMaterials

2. Global Graphene Forum

3. Advanced Energy Materials and Technology