

Plagiarism is defined as submitting as one's own work, irrespective of intent to deceive, that which derives in part or in its entirety from the work of others without due acknowledgement; or, in the case of self-plagarism, unless explicitly permitted by regulation, submitting one's own work that has already been submitted for assessment to satisfy the requirements of any other academic qualification, or submitted for publication without due acknowledgment. It is both poor scholarship and a breach of academic integrity.




Examples of plagiarism include copying (using another person's language and/or ideas as if they are your own), by:




  • quoting verbatim another person's work without due acknowledgement of the source;
  • paraphrasing another person’s work by changing some of the words, or the order of the words, without due acknowledgement of the source;
  • using ideas taken from someone else without reference to the originator;
  • cutting and pasting from the Internet to make a pastiche of online sources;
  • submitting someone else's work as part of your own without identifying clearly who did the work; for example, buying or commissioning work via professional agencies such as ‘essay banks’ or ‘paper mills’, or not attributing research contributed by others to a joint project.




Plagiarism might also arise from colluding with another person, including another student, other than as permitted for joint project work (i.e. where collaboration is concealed or has been forbidden). You should include a general acknowledgement where you have received substantial help, for example with the language and style of a piece of written work.




Plagiarism can occur in respect to all types of sources and media:




  • text, illustrations, musical quotations, mathematical derivations, computer code, etc.;
  • material downloaded from websites or drawn from manuscripts or other media;
  • published and unpublished material, including lecture handouts and other students’ work. 




Acceptable means of acknowledging the work of others (by referencing, in footnotes, or otherwise) is an essential component of any work submitted for assessment, whether written examination, dissertation, essay, registration exercise or group course work. The most appropriate method for attribution of others’ work may vary according to the subject matter and mode of assessment.  The Course Director will provide guidance on the relevant scholarly convention for submitted work at the start of your course.




If other people’s ideas are used, they must be acknowledged. Quotation marks must be used to cite the words of others, whether written or spoken, and a footnote or reference should be added in the assignment text to accompany the quotation and indicate from where it is taken (see below). If an idea generated by someone else is cited, it should be referenced in the same way. Similarly, if an illustration is included from another source, or someone else’s data is included in a graph or table, the source must be acknowledged. If information is obtained and used from a web source on the internet, the source must be referenced.





 You may only submit an assignment for formal assessment once. Assignments that have previously been submitted to ICE or to another higher education institution for formal assessment should not be submitted. Self-plagiarism occurs when the same piece of work (or a significant part thereof) is submitted for formal assessment twice.

 If you do cite small sections of your own pre-existing work, you must reference it in the same way as if it were sourced from another author.

 You are responsible for ensuring that you have read and understood the Institute’s plagiarism guidance above and follow it in all work submitted for assessment.

  If, after reading the guidance, you have any outstanding queries you should seek clarification at the earliest opportunity from the Course Director.

  All assignments submitted for assessment are screened using the text-matching software Turnitin.

  Failure to conform to the expected standards of scholarship (e.g. by not referencing sources) in work submitted for assessment will be investigated by the ICE Assessment Standards Panel and may affect the mark given to your work. In addition, suspected cases of the use of unfair means (of which plagiarism is one form) may be subject to further disciplinary action.

  This guidance is also given in the ICE virtual learning environment (VLE), in your course space.


Policy and Action for Plagiarism

Farname Inc and all Journals Published/Co-publish by Farname  respects intellectual property and aims at protecting and promoting original work of its authors. Manuscripts containing plagiarized material are against the standards of quality, research and innovation. Hence, all authors submitting articles to Farname inc are expected to abide ethical standards and abstain from plagiarism, in any form. In case, an author is found to be suspected of plagiarism in a submitted or published manuscript then, Farname shall contact the author (s) to submit his / her (their) explanation within two weeks, which may be forwarded to the Fact Finding Committee (FFC) constituted for the purpose, for further course of action. If Farname does not receive any response from the author within the stipulated time period, then the Director / Dean / Head of the concerned College, Institution or Organization or the Vice Chancellor of the University to which the author is affiliated shall be contacted to take strict action against the concerned author.




Farname Inc and all Journals Published/Co-published by Farname shall take serious action against published manuscripts found to contain plagiarism and shall completely remove them from our websites and other third party websites where the paper is listed and indexed. The moment, any article published in Farname database is reported to be plagiarized, Farname will constitute a Fact Finding Committee (FFC) to investigate the same. Upon having established that the manuscript is plagiarized from some previously published work, Farname shall support the original author and manuscript irrespective of the publisher and may take any or all of the following immediate actions or follow the additional course of actions as recommended by the committee:




  1. Farname Inc and all Journals Published/Co-published by Farname editorial office shall immediately contact the Director / Dean / Head of the concerned College, Institution or Organization or the Vice Chancellor of the University to which the author(s) is (are) affiliated to take strict action against the concerned author.
  2. Farname Inc and all Journals Published/Co-published by Farname shall remove the PDF copy of the published manuscript from the website and disable all links to full text article. The term Plagiarized Manuscript shall be appended to the published manuscript title.
  3. Farname Inc and all Journals Published/Co-published by Farname shall disable the author account with the journal and reject all future submissions from the author for a period of 03 / 05 / 10 years or even ban the authors permanently.
  4. Farname Inc and all Journals Published/Co-published by Farname may also display the list of such authors along with their full contact details on the Farname Inc and all Journals Published/Co-publish by Farname websites.
  5. Any other course of action, as recommended by the Committee or as deemed fit for the instant case or as decided by the Editorial Board, from time to time.